Jun 5 2012
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Center for Connected Medicine
U.S. Steel Tower, 60th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA
U.S. Steel Tower, 60th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA
The next iteration of Venture Out will feature a group of experts with years of experience taking an idea from prototype to product launch and how to find the seed money to fund their ideas. Additionally, this group has learned how to navigate the long cycle of developing an idea, working with legal issues, and how to bring a product to market.
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Corporate Shareholder David A. Gurwin will participate in the panel discussion. Joining him are Matt Beale, president & CEO of Daedalus; Adele Oliva, partner at Quaker Partners; and Nick Kuhn, president & chief business officer of ALung Technologies.
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