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Oct 20 2014
Geneva, Switzerland

Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's Executive Shareholder Patrick C. Keane will participate at the International Series conference, titled “Systems, Challenges, Solutions: Trade, Intellectual Property, Court and Governance,” on October 20 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Keane will moderate a panel the includes high ranking individuals from the World Intellectual Property Organization and the United States Patent and Trademark Office, in discussing The International Agenda and Normative Developments.

The International Series conference, organized by the Federal Circuit Bar Association, in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Trade Organization and the European Patent Office, focuses on best practices in global legal systems and how those practices--both in terms of governance and of the practice of law--relate to innovation and the betterment of societies.

The 2014 Geneva Conference is a multinational program bringing together thought-leaders from around the globe. Other speakers include Judicial, government, private practice, and corporate representative from numerous countries. The event will allow participants to discuss intellectual property and trade from the perspectives of China, Japan, Germany and the United States.