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Stuart P. Slotnick, managing shareholder of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's New York office, was quoted in the March 21, 2011 edition of USA Today regarding Barry Bonds' perjury trial.

Bonds is facing four counts of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice, all stemming from testimony he gave to the federal grand jury during the Bay Area Laboratory Cooperative (BALCO) investigation. According to prosecutors, Bonds knowingly used performance enhancing drugs, but testified to the contrary.

It would be a mistake, Slotnick cautioned, for the federal government to rely on testimony from Bonds' ex-girlfriend Kimberly Bell to make their case. Bell is expected to discuss Bonds' alleged side effects of steroid use.

"They're trying to prove through side effects of the substances that he was acting erratic and in a way that was consistent with a person who's using steroids," Slotnick said. "That is just so abstract that (the defense) will just say, 'Look how much the government is reaching.' It's almost laughable."

Slotnick remains unconvinced Bond will do jail time, even if convicted.