Rick Morgan Re-elected to Buchanan's Board of Directors, Continues Serving Community as Member of Sylvester's Board of Governors
Miami, Florida — June 8, 2010 — Richard A. Morgan — co-head of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's Miami and Aventura offices, as well as a shareholder in the firm's Litigation and Real Estate Sections — was recently re-elected to serve as a member of Buchanan's Board of Directors. Morgan will serve on the board for his second consecutive three-year-term.
In addition to Morgan's legal practice, he serves as an elected member of the Board of Governors of the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. He also currently serves as chair of Friends for Sylvester at the University of Miami. As chair, he is charged with leading the 350-member board of Friends for Sylvester — a group of active, involved community leaders committed to the ongoing search for a cancer cure.
About Sylvester
Sylvester opened in 1992 to provide comprehensive cancer services, and today, serves as the hub for cancer-related research, diagnosis, and treatment at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Since its founding, Sylvester has transformed cancer research and treatment in South Florida and beyond.
About Morgan
Morgan focuses on litigation involving banking, UCC issues, construction-defect matters and Internet law. He has litigated a variety of commercial contractual disputes including non-compete agreements, employment agreements and real property disputes.
He earned his J.D., with honors, from St. Thomas University and B.A. degree, with honors, from PaceUniversity. Morgan also attended graduate school at Georgetown University in the School of Foreign Service.