Shawn N. Gallagher Helps Client, Amerikohl Mining Inc., Earn Permit for Dunbar Mining Operation
On December 19, the Fayette County Zoning Hearing Board granted a special exception permit to client Amerikohl Mining Inc. to remove coal from the Curry Mine in Dunbar Township, Pa. Shawn N. Gallagher, counsel in the firm’s Real Estate and Energy practices, has represented Amerikohl in seeking this decision for its property near Ohiopyle State Park and the Great Allegheny Passage.
The board members, except for the board chairman and board secretary who were not present, voted unanimously to grant Amerikohl Mining Inc. the permit, as reported by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and the Herald Standard.
Amerikohl Mining Inc. was denied the permit two years ago but was able to reverse the decision because the company has now met the requirements of having a state Department of Environmental Protection permit and a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. The vice president of Amerikohl Mining Inc. stated that the company will take the measures necessary to protect the visitors to the park and trail and the residents of Fayette County.