Philadelphia Real Estate Attorney Fredrick Masters Discusses Facade Inspections in Mann Report Article
In the article, titled "Facade Inspections: Philadelphia Joins New York City, Chicago, Boston And Others," Masters discussed Philadelphia's recent decision to join at least nine other U.S. cities in requiring building facade inspections on a periodic basis.
As Masters explained in the article, "Philadelphia's facade inspection ordinance, which was approved by City Council and signed by the Mayor in February of this year, is applicable to all buildings in the City that are six or more stories in height or any building in the City with an appurtenance in excess of sixty feet in height. The ordinance contemplates that it will be applicable, in the future, to all buildings in the City, other than one and two-family dwellings, which are greater than two stories and are located in specified geographic areas, yet to be determined. Presumably these areas will be the high-traffic, densely populated and traveled areas of the City."
He goes on to discuss the ordinance's "phased-in inspection" schedule, which he explained depends on the year the building was constructed. "For all affected buildings constructed after 2005, the first inspection shall be conducted, and the required report completed within 10 years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy," he wrote.
Additionally, Masters discussed the process for the inspections. "Inspections are to be performed by or under the supervision of a Pennsylvania licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Architect, referred to in the ordinance as the 'Professional.' The Professional shall determine the extent of inspection required and the methods of inspection. … The ordinance specifies that as a result of the inspection, a building will be classified as being either 'Safe', 'Safe with a Repair and Maintenance Program' or 'Unsafe.'
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