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On August 24, 2010, Stuart P. Slotnick, managing shareholder of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's New York office and vice chair of the firm's Business Litigation and Trial Practice group, appeared in an Entertainment Tonight report on the divorce settlement between Tiger Woods and ex-wife Elin Nordegren Woods. Additionally, he was interviewed in a Star Tribune article, titled "TFD: RandBall Q&A with a New York attorney about Tiger and Elin's divorce."

Weighing in on the finalized settlement on Entertainment Tonight, Slotnick said Elin acted smart about the split. "She kept her leverage over Tiger Woods that this was going to be confidential, and he paid for that confidentiality."

In the Star Tribune article, Slotnick participated in a Q&A with Michael Rand of the publication's "Randball" column. Among some of the questions he was asked, "Anything unusual about the way this all played out?," to which Slotnick replied:

"I don't think there was anything unusual in a high-profile, big-money case to proceed like this, where everything is worked out ahead of time, is subject to confidentiality, parties appear and it's stamped and over with. The reason it happens like that is because Tiger needed this to go away and go away quickly. He needs to build back his public image, he's distracted and his golf game is suffering — he needs to put it behind him for those reasons. "

Another question Slotnick was asked to address was: "If you were advising either side, would you have had it play out this way?" His response:

"You really have to look at the client's best interests. Don't forget there are two kids involved. I think the approach that Tiger and Elin took was the right one. If this had become a media circus trial, the children would have been involved and it would not have been in their best interests. I believe they were both interested in the children. That's why it was quick, quiet and confidential."