Kelly Kolb Discusses the Impact of the Final DOL Overtime Exemption Rule on Hospitality Industry in Law360
Kelly Kolb, Shareholder in Buchanan's Fort Lauderdale office, is quoted in Law360 article about how the final Department of Labor overtime exemption rules will hit the retail and hospitality industries the hardest. Click here to read the full article. (Subscription required)
"Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC employment litigator Kelly Kolb added that the National Association of Homebuilders believes as many as 110,000 exempt construction managers and supervisors nationwide could soon qualify for overtime. Financial industry employees lower on the totem pole or at less lucrative institutions such as smaller banks could likewise see a pay bump, he said."
With new regulations come new opportunities for workers to sue. Indeed, Kolb said he expects plaintiffs attorneys are salivating at the chance to pounce on noncompliant employers. Any management-side attorney who can make clear the financial stakes of noncompliance is in line for some hefty business advising on the transition, he said.
“Get somebody’s attention with the purse strings,” Kolb said. “The first thing an employer ought to be doing, and something that should be easier to do, is evaluate what employees will be affected by these new levels, look at these levels and ask, 'Will they meet the new salary levels by the end of the year?'”