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Brian J. Clark, a shareholder in the Environmental Law Practice Group of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney's Harrisburg office, was quoted in an article published in the February 5, 2010, edition of the Central Penn Business Journal. The article, titled "Navigating the Sea — Lawyering During a Stormy Economy," discussed what affect the down-economy has had on the legal industry.

As noted in the article, "Several Central Pennsylvania law firms expect 2010 will prove to be a robust year in the legal profession. While some practice areas were slowed by the economy in 2009, lawyers in the region saw business grow in areas such as energy and environmental law. And there's plenty of expectation that those areas will continue to flourish."

Clark agreed with that expectation saying, "One bright spot on the horizon is in energy and environmental practice areas. Development of the Marcellus Shale formation, a massive natural gas reserve, is expected to spur economic activity for a number of Pennsylvania businesses."