Webinar - Flexibility and Vigilance: Effectively Manage Government and Internal Investigations During COVID-19
John Cunningham, shareholder in the firm's White Collar Defense, Compliance & Investigations group, Jason Parish, shareholder and Martin Amundson, associate both in the firm's Litigation section will present a webinar hosted by Celesq titled "Flexibility and Vigilance: Effectively Manage Government and Internal Investigations During COVID-19."
While many companies shifted to a remote workforce after the COVID-19 outbreak, this did not necessarily result in a slowdown in investigations. At the time, government agencies in fact cautioned companies not to let down their guard in conducting investigations. Now, as employees slowly return to office spaces, while others continue to work remotely, learn about striking the appropriate balance of leveraging remote technology, adapting investigative strategies, and integrating updated best-practice guidance for effectively managing internal and government investigations during the ongoing crisis.
Learning Objectives
- Survey investigative agency and regulator responses to COVID-19
- Integrate strategies and technology for conducting remote investigations
- Adapt protocols to account for hybrid (part remote, part traditional) investigations
- Gain awareness of variations in privilege, document collection, interviews, and reporting Underscore key flexibility & best practice considerations for preserving integrity and independence.