Federal Circuit Bar Association - Oil States and SAS: A Preview to Oral Arguments and Beyond
Erin Dunston, Shareholder in Buchanan's IP Litigation practice, will serve as a panelist on "Federal Circuit Bar Association - Oil States and SAS," a webcast that will discuss two cases on post-grant proceedings that are being heard by the Supreme Court. In Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC, the Supreme Court will review the issue of whether inter partes review (IPR) trials before the PTAB are constitutional. In SAS Institute Inc. v. Matal, the Supreme Court will review whether the PTAB must address in a final written decision all claims challenged in an IPR petition or only those claims for which the PTAB institutes trial. These important cases could have far-reaching impacts on post-grant proceedings before the PTAB and related district court litigation in the federal courts. Learn more and register here.