"E-Cigarettes In The Workplace: To Vape Or Not To Vape, That Is The Question"
Northeast PA Manufacturers & Employers Association
Buchanan Labor & Employment Shareholder Jill M. Lashay will be the featured speaker at the Northeast PA Manufacturers & Employers Association's HR Roundtable on October 8, 2015. She will present a program, titled "E-Cigarettes In The Workplace: To Vape Or Not To Vape, That Is The Question."
Her presentation will provide attendees with a discussion about whether employers should, or in some cases have to, restrict the use of e-cigarettes in the workplace. Because only certain states and cities have enacted laws restricting the use of e-cigarettes at work, many employers are faced with tackling how best to regulate vaping on the job.
This roundtable discussion will review issues such as:
- Pros and cons of e-cigarettes in the workplace.
- The importance of reviewing state laws and local ordinances concerning e-cigarette use, as well as understanding whether any unions, work councils or other laws could affect such workplace policies.
- The different factors that employers should consider when preparing a workplace policy concerning e-cigarettes-both for policies that restrict and for policies that permit the use of e-cigarettes at work.
- The increasing trend of employees using e-cigarettes or "vape pens" to smoke marijuana at the workplace and the issues that this brings for employers.
- What to do if an employee requests to use e-cigarettes because of a nicotine addiction.
Statistics, tips and best practices for employers will also be shared.