D.C. Tax Attorney Stuart Lewis' Spring 2010 Letter to the ABA Tax Section Noted on TaxProf Blog
"I am pleased to report that over the last several years the Section has been making steady progress. Younger lawyers are perhaps facing more economic difficulties than any other cohort of the Section's membership. Jobs are tough to find and school loans are larger than ever. Part of the mission of the Section is to provide services that may be useful to these younger lawyers in these difficult economic times. By the same token, the Section benefits tremendously by having active younger members. Over the years I have often found the best and most innovative ideas come from our younger lawyers. The Section needs to continue its efforts to attract and involve these members in the activities of the Section," Lewis wrote.
Lewis then goes on to discuss some of the Tax Section's efforts to "provide a much needed bridge for law students, young lawyers and lawyers transitioning to tax practice."
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