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Nov 12 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Michael McLaughlin, co-leader of the Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Practice Group, joins experts in the industry for a thoughtful conversation around the key takeaways of cyber warfare to date.

About this talk

Modern conflict increasingly centers around technology and digital infrastructure. The battlefield is no longer solely a physical stretch of terrain between territories; war is waged behind enemy lines, within their networks and inside their security systems. Cyber attacks can be hugely debilitating when launched successfully, causing widespread damage and incapacitating many functions. How can entities protect their operations from opponents, particularly in this new landscape of warfare? Following several years of international conflict and discord, this episode will look at what we have learned about cyber warfare and what we should take with us to greater protect our digital terrain. While we cannot always avoid the battle, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the harm inflicted.

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