Carrie Amezcua to Present "M&A and Antitrust in the Trump Era" to the Strategic Planning and Development Council of MAPI
On March 2, Carrie Amezcua, associate in the firm's Litigation section will present “M&A and Antitrust in the Trump Era” to the Strategic Planning and Development Council of MAPI, a professional society for C-Level Manufacturing Executives from top manufacturing companies.
Carrie will provide an overview of how the antitrust enforcement process works with respect to mergers and acquisitions, starting from how a deal comes to the attention of the regulatory agencies, how the agencies analyze a deal, and the ways in which concerns about anticompetitive effects are resolved. She will also discuss related anticompetitive practices, such as gun-jumping and exchanging competitively sensitive information. Ms. Amezcua will provide a view of enforcement from both from a government/regulatory perspective and private action perspective. She will also present what is currently known, or what is the common consensus, on what enforcement priorities and approaches may change, and what may stay the same, under the new administration, for U.S.-only deals and cross-border deals.