Buchanan Obtains Major Antidumping Win at the U.S. International Trade Commission on Behalf of Domestic Lemon Juice Industry
WASHINGTON (January 23, 2023) - Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney secured a key victory for domestic lemon juice producers in their efforts to combat dumped imports of lemon juice from Brazil and South Africa. Today, the U.S. International Trade Commission (“Commission”) made affirmative determinations in its final phase antidumping duty investigations concerning Lemon Juice from Brazil and South Africa.
Daniel B. Pickard, counsel to the domestic industry and chair of the international trade and national security practice at Buchanan, stated that "the U.S. industry is extremely pleased with the Commission’s final determination, which underscores the unfair pricing of imports from Brazil and South Africa. This is a positive outcome for the U.S. producers and their workers.”
Under U.S. law, the International Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce are responsible for conducting antidumping investigations and five-year (sunset) reviews under Title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930. Under this law, U.S. industries may petition the Commission and Commerce for relief from imports that are sold in the United States at less than fair value or that benefit from countervailable subsidies provided through foreign government programs. Dumping and certain subsidizing are considered unfair trade practices.
Mert E. Arkan, an attorney in Buchanan’s international trade and national security practice noted that as a result of today’s determination, “Commerce will now issue antidumping duty orders to offset the dumping of these unfairly traded products from Brazil and South Africa.”
The Commission’s determination was unanimous with all 5 Commissioners voting in the affirmative.