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DELAWARE COUNTY, PA – (June 2023) Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney attorneys Eric Horst and Josh Headley provided pro bono assistance to U.D.T.J. (Understanding, Devotion, Take Action, and Justice) to expand its Pride Month programming in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. In 2022, Buchanan assisted U.D.T.J. with a fiscal sponsorship agreement with Amistad Law Project, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The agreement allows U.D.T.J. to collect tax-deductible donations for its Pride Month programming and other community events, with Amistad acting as its fiscal sponsor.

As a result of the hard work and dedication of U.D.T.J. board members and volunteers, as well as the funds U.D.T.J. has been able to raise through the fiscal sponsorship agreement, the group was able to grow the Upper Darby Pride Festival into a two-part Delaware County-wide event this year. They hosted the first-ever Delaware County Pride Parade in Media, PA on June 3 and the Delaware County Pride Festival in Upper Darby, PA on June 10.  U.D.T.J.’s goal is to continue to create a space for the LGBTQ+ community in Delaware County.