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Brandon J. Custard

Brandon J. Custard


Washington, DC

How Brandon Helps Clients

Brandon has more than fifteen years of experience in antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations, administrative reviews, changed circumstance reviews, new shipper reviews, anti-circumvention inquiries, and scope rulings. 

Prior to join Buchanan, Brandon was an associate in the international trade group of a prominent international law firm based in Washington, D.C., where he worked for four years. Before entering private practice, Brandon worked in the AD/CVD enforcement and compliance division at the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, where he served as a senior international compliance analyst.  His responsibilities included performing quantitative analyses of data submitted by foreign respondents, conducting several on-site sales and cost verifications of foreign respondents (and their U.S. affiliates) or foreign governments, drafting agency determinations, calculating AD duty margins through complex SAS® computer programs, and preparing administrative determinations. 

Following his role as a senior international trade compliance analyst, Brandon served as a senior attorney at the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Office of the Chief Counsel for Trade Enforcement and Compliance, where he defended determinations by the Department of Commerce before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, U.S. Court of International Trade, World Trade Organization, and North American Free Trade Agreement Binational Panel.

What Clients Can Expect

Clients praise Brandon for his advanced knowledge of the rules, procedures, practices, and technical aspects of calculating AD/CVD duties in both market-economy and non-market economy proceedings. Brandon always takes a “hands on” approach when working with clients and has an established track record of successfully providing clients with legal and strategic advice on how they can remain competitive in the U.S. market. 

Outside the Office

Brandon enjoys spending time with family and friends.  He also enjoys reading, outdoor activities, and strength training. 

Proof Points

  • Counsel in antidumping and countervailing duty administrative reviews of passenger vehicle and light truck tires from China and Korea.
  • Counsel in antidumping and countervailing duty investigations of mobile access equipment and subassemblies from China.
  • Counsel in antidumping suspension agreement on fresh tomatoes from Mexico.
  • Counsel in antidumping duty administrative review of frozen warmwater shrimp from Vietnam.