Bill Gates's divorce pulls his Water Street Tampa investment into spotlight - Tampa Bay Times
Stuart Slotnick, shareholder in the firm's Litigation section and co-chair of the Matrimonial and Family Law Practice Group, was featured in Tampa Bay Times article, "Bill Gates's divorce pulls his Water Street Tampa investment into spotlight."
That said, couples with such resources as vast as Bill and Melinda Gates don't really face the same financial constraints as other divorcing couples, said Stuart Slotnick, co-chairperson of matrimonial and family law at New York's Buchanan, Ingersoll and Rooney, which handles high-net-worth divorces across the country. Their combined fortune means no investment or project will ever run out of money, or that they'll need to sell off investments to make ends meet.
"He couldn't run out of capital if he tried," Slotnick said of Gates. "That's the risk of projects coming to a halt in more, let's say, run-of-the-mill divorces, is that capital becomes the issue.
"The fact that assets are being transferred from him to her voluntarily at this point also shows you that this divorce is going to be worked out without kinks, without bumps in the road. Because quite honestly, when you're talking about this amount of money, there's nothing to fight over."