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Arielle A. Seidman

Arielle A. Seidman

San Diego, CA

How Arielle Helps Clients

Arielle is an experienced commercial litigator with extensive experience representing clients in high-stakes bet-the-company complex litigation. She has a background of defending telecommunications and digital media companies in anti-trust litigation against government, private, and class-action plaintiffs. Arielle has handled complex securities, contract, and white-collar matters on behalf of clients in wide-ranging industries, from healthcare contractors and providers to developers of theme park attractions. 

With a background in economics and experience working at several Fortune 500 companies, Arielle has the know-how and drive to understand and work within a client’s unique infrastructure and workflows to achieve desired outcomes in the most efficient and least intrusive manner possible. 

What Clients Can Expect

Whether in complex litigation or regulatory and compliance matters, Arielle’s clients can count on strategic, efficient, and dignified representation. She began her career defending global telecommunications leaders in generationally defining antitrust litigation. In the ensuing decade, Arielle has seen clients through every stage of litigation across multiple state and federal jurisdictions. She has also led multiple clients through successful alternative dispute resolution proceeds in both arbitration and mediation. 

Across antitrust, white-collar, and securities issues, Arielle has counseled clients both domestically and internationally in complex regulatory and compliance circumstances. She has provided regular counseling to various clients in the form of trainings, compilation of policies and procedures, and risk management advice. Arielle has regularly counseled clients in many respects, including with respect to state and federal antitrust compliance, HSA filings and second requests, trade and customs practices, federal criminal investigations, SEC enforcement actions, SSO participation and compliance, and data privacy compliance. 

Outside the Office

In her free time, Arielle enjoys supporting her native Colorado sports teams, traveling, and enjoying whatever non-legal books she has the occasion to read. She is a passionate supporter of veterans issues, volunteering on behalf of veterans seeking assistance in obtaining necessary medical care relating to their service to their county. Arielle also coaches high school students in urban debate leagues, hoping to help teenagers discover the same passion for logic and debate that ultimately led her to be becoming an attorney. 

Proof Points

  • Managed a team of attorneys that successfully defended against federal and California monopolization claims in the Central District of California on behalf of two entertainment clients engaging in more than $250 million in sales annually.
  • Secured $120 million arbitration award in complex contract dispute in AAA proceeding.
  • Obtained favorable opinion from SEC Administrative Law Judge on motion for summary disposition against financial instrument provider client on novel issue.
  • Obtained favorable ruling from the Central District of California recognizing a diffuse foreign religious organization operating in the United States as an unincorporated association in pioneering RICO litigation relating to human trafficking and sexual abuse.