"Are You a US Citizen? What Are the Implications for Investing in Cuba?"
Cuba Demystified Forum - The Unlocking of Opportunities in Cuba: The New Emerging Market
Dec 4 2015
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Jamaica Pegasus, Negril Suite
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Shareholder Matthew J. Feeley will present "Are You a US Citizen? What Are the Implications for Investing in Cuba?" at the Cuba Demystified Forum - The Unlocking of Opportunities in Cuba: The New Emerging Market on Friday, December 4, 2016. Feeley will share views on potential risks facing investors in Cuba including confiscated property, the Helms-Burton Act, correspondent banking considerations and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In addition, Feeley will provide an overview of the Cuban civil legal system and Cuban anti-corruption efforts.
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