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During session one of the series, “IP Mavericks: Riding the Waves of FTC Changes,” attendees heard from Buchanan’s Carrie Amezcua, Christopher Blaszkowski and Jaime Tuite, as well as Mark Edwards, Chief IP Counsel, Trinseo. Drawing upon their backgrounds across litigation, intellectual property and labor & employment, the speakers addressed:

  1. The Final Rule from the FTC.
  2. The impact of the current district court challenges to the FTC Final Rule.
  3. The intellectual property concerns of protecting trade secrets, inventions, and other confidential information that drives companies’ value.
  4. Exceptions to the Final Rule, including ownership interests.
  5. The practical employment/business considerations to a company’s agreements, policies, and processes.

Our presenters provided the latest developments with the anticipated, potential injunction decision in the consolidated case brought by Ryan LLC and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to be issued on or about July 3, 2024.

Part two of this series will be held on Wednesday, July 24 at 12:00 p.m. EDT. View the full event listing here or click here to register.

View the recording here or below.