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Tanya S. Gaylord

Tanya S. Gaylord


King of Prussia, PA
  • Successfully appealed USPTO examiners’ final rejections of inventions related to wireless communications modules (Appeal 2019-004432, Application No. 14/233,821), semiconductor fabrication (Appeal 2020-005297, Application No. 13/148,384; and Appeal 2019-006743, Application No. 14/367,354), and household appliances (Appeal 2015-001545, Application No. 13/511,219)
  • Represented plaintiff in a trademark and trade name infringement dispute; case settled immediately after service of the complaint and temporary restraining order issued against the infringing defendants - Nuclear Care Partners, LLC v. Nuclear Care Providers, LLC et. al (S.D. Ga.) Case No. 1.12-cv-00070-JRH-WLB
  • Represented several defendants against claims for theft of trade secrets and breach of contract in an asset purchase dispute; the case was litigated to a settlement on terms the client considered favorable - Pacific Coast Steel, Inc. v. Century Steel, Inc. et. al (D. Nev.) Case No. 2:09-cv-02190-KJD-PAL
  • Represented plaintiffs in a security fraud dispute; case settled immediately after service of the complaint and temporary restraining order issued against the defendants - Chris Strahan et. al v. Richard Kropp et. al (8th Jud. D.C. Nev.) Case No. A-13-680722
  • Represented several defendants in a breach of contract dispute; successfully limited defendants’ liability by establishing that the plaintiffs failed to present competent evidence of the amount of damages; case settled during the jury trial on terms the clients considered favorable - Vestin Realty Mortgage II, Inc. et. al v. Erwin Shustak et. al (8th Jud. D.C. Nev.) Case No. 06-A-524701
  • Represented several plaintiffs in a partnership dispute; successfully disqualified defendants’ expert witness (who was a practicing attorney) on grounds of improper legal opinions; case settled on terms the clients considered favorable - Scott Jenkins et. al v. Christina Jenkins et. al (8th Jud. D.C. Nev.) Case No. A-12-660600-C
  • Successfully appealed the lower court’s order denying summary judgment in clients’ favor and set aside the lower court’s judgment in favor of the opposing party in a breach of contract action based on personal guarantees secured by real property - Susan Mardian and Leonard Mardian v. Michael and Wendy Greenberg Family Trust (Nev. 2015)
  • Successfully defended on appeal and obtained affirmance of the lower court’s order granting summary judgment in clients’ favor in a breach of contract action based on personal guarantees secured by real property - Eli Applebaum IRA v. Arizona Acreage, LLC et. al (Nev. 2012) Nevada Supreme Court Case No. 57634, lower case Nos. 10-A-610593 and 10-A-610599